Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thrifted: Typewriter

It's been quite some time since I've shared any thrifted finds with you here on the blog. It use to be a regular occurrence in the days of Sophie's thrifting meme but sometime between there and here the idea must have slipped my mind. However, when Mum stumbled upon the lovely treasure above I just couldn't keep it to myself. Perhaps it is the start of another collection?

Have you found any thrifted treasures lately?

Happy days to you!

Melinda x

P.S. The lovely botany postcards in the typewriter are from chibi run.


  1. old typewriters are fun~ i love the look of the you use this one?

  2. A lovely typewriter and the floral prints are pretty too.My typewriter collection stands at only one as well.

    1. I'm hoping I don't get too obsessed as I don't think I have the room to house a typewriter collection! x


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