Thursday, February 14, 2013

With Love.....

Our conversation this morning went a little like this.....

Blake: Happy Valentine's Day! What'd you get me?
Me: Love.

Me: What did you get me?
Blake: Lots of love.

And that was that.

A few hours later Blake came to me with a little card which he had made from a box I had left on the bench ready for recycling. It made my day. It really is the little things that mean the most.

We finished the day with a walk in the park, just him, Millie, Spud and I! It was lovely.

Happy Valentine's day to you!

Melinda x

P.S. I made the heart shaped marshmallows using my Grandma's recipe as a little Valentine's Day gift for my Mum and Dad.


  1. oh those marshmellos look adorable! I love that your hubby made you something. we don't celebrate VD either...just a bit of kissing loads of love exchanged like any normal day!

  2. Prettiest marshmallows i've ever seen :)

  3. What sweet marshmallows. Is Grandma's recipe a carefully guarded secret, or will you share it with us?

    1. I can definitely share. Sharing is caring after all. Melinda x


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