Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tiny Clothes

My parents have been having a bit of a spring clean over the past few weekends and have unearthed some lovely little treasures.  There were the important documents dating back to the 1970s that we had a little giggle about, old books (including my very own collection of Enid Blyton novels) and all of our childhood toys. A little plastic cash register that my younger brother and I would play 'shop' with, little furry Sylvanian Family rabbits, a wooden pull along puppy, Happy Meal plastic treasures, a box of duplo and knitted teddy bears that have seen better days. Seeing them all again brought back so many happy memories.

Amongst all of this they also stumbled upon the dolls clothes in the above pictures. I still remember every piece like it was just yesterday that I was undressing and dressing my dolls in a selection of different outfits.  The things I love most about them is that they were all handmade by my Mum and my Great Nana Pink. The fabric pieces were made by my Mum and the knitted pieces by my Nana. Making tiny dolls clothes, complete with lining, ribbons, lace and bows while your little ones nap.....now that is love! I have added these to Millie's dollhouse box so that she might enjoy them one day too!

Happy days to you!

Melinda x


  1. What a wonderful find! I love how all the childhood memories come flooding back when you unearth such treasures. Your collection made me think of my very own. So beautiful. WIshing you happy days with your lovelies :) x

  2. Isn't it wonderful to create memories for your own children with the same things that made so many happy memories for you? I still have my collection of Enid Blyton books, my son and i are reading a chapter everynight. He loves them as much as i did (do)!

  3. wonderful to have toys of your childhood to pass onto your daughter and that they were handmade is even better. My daughter plays with my few toys, a teddy which is really old and some hand knitted clothes. I love they way you have displayed them waiting for her to grow and play with them. happy days to you Melinda xx

  4. this is adorable. i have a similar collection myself, safely tucked away at mums.


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